Another update to our Timeless reading order is here with a series of Avengers-centric events including Captain America: Cold War, Revenge of the Brood, and of course the titular Avengers Assemble!
Timeless Part 5
DC Guides - Rebirth!
While we’re still primarily focused on Marvel reading orders here at Marvel Guides, we’re relaunching a section of our site dedicated to DC reading orders! And with this relaunch comes a brand new chapter of our New 52 guide, as well as a substantial portion of the Rebirth era documented, giving you a couple of great entry points into the DC Universe!
Oh the Inhumanity!
Just in time for Ms. Marvel to become a mutant and the Inhumans to lose their last grasp of relevancy in the Marvel Universe…we return to a happier time in history for the Royal Family and continue our Marvel NOW! reading order with Inhumanity! In the aftermath of Infinity, there are more Inhumans than ever, and maybe none more important than the introduction of one Kamala Khan.
Dark Web Reading Order
Modern Age Update: Evolutionary War and Inferno!
Mutant Massacre, Fall of the Mutants, and More
Newly Revised MCU Phase 4 Guide
A.X.E.: Judgement Day
The Timeless era continues with our A.X.E.: Judgement Day reading order! Spinning out of the events of the Avengers, X-Men, and Eternals ongoing series, this storyline pits three of the Marvel Universe’s most powerful super groups on a collision course with each other that could lead to the end of the world in less than 24 hours.
Destiny of X
Spinning out of the fiery aftermath of Inferno, the Second Krakoan Age begins with Destiny of X! This guide covers series new and old including Immortal X-Men, X-Men Red, Legion of X, and more. Start here so you’re prepared for the Avengers, X-Men, and Eternals crossover event AXE: Judgement Day, which will have a separate reading order coming soon!