Marvel Timeless Reading Order
Part 5: Monsters and Magic
Carnage Reigns Alpha #1 Cover
Part 5.1: Carnage Reigns
As if the ongoing saga of Venom and the King in Black wasn’t enough symbiote madness for the Marvel Universe to deal with, Carnage is back and deadlier than ever thanks to some help from some hellish weaponry. Even more concerning is the fact that Cletus Kasady and the Carnage symbiote have split up, and each of them are engaging in separate campaigns of destruction across the multiverse. While Cletus is taking the fight to the heroes of New York in Carnage Reigns, Carnage has set out to destroy every universe’s resident Venom in the Death of the Venomverse!
Reading Order:
Carnage Forever #1
Invincible Iron Man (2023) #1 – #5
Carnage (2022) #1 – #12
Carnage Reigns Alpha #1
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #6
Carnage #13
Red Goblin #5
Carnage #14
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #7
Carnage Reigns Omega #1
Cult of Carnage: Misery #1 – #5
Red Goblin #6 – #10
Deadpool (2022) #1 – #10
Deadpool: Seven Slaughters #1
Web of Carnage #1
Extreme Venomverse #1 – #5
Death of the Venomverse #1 – #5
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Strange #10 Cover
Part 5.2: Strange Spotlight
The next smattering of titles might seem random and varied, but they all focus around heroes and anti-heroes on the fringes of the Marvel Universe who deal with monsters and magic, including Ghost Rider, Silk, Blade, and Moon Knight. Of course the recent death of Doctor Strange left a void in the magical community, but that void was quickly filled by an all-new, all-different master of magic. Enter: Clea Strange, Sorcerer Supreme!
Reading Order:
Ghost Rider (2022) #1 – #16
Werewolf by Night #1
Bloodline: Daughter of Blade #1 – #5
Moon Knight #19 – #25
Strange #1 – #6
Midnight Suns #1 – #5
Strange #7 – #10
Strange Academy: Miles Morales #1
Strange Academy: Moon Knight # 1
Strange Academy: Spider-Man #1
Moon Knight: City of the Dead #1 – #5
The X-Cellent (2022) #1 – #5 (2022)
The X-Cellent (2023) #1 – #5 (2023)
Silk (2023) #1 – #5
Clobberin’ Time #1 – #5
Doctor Strange (2023) #1 – #10
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Spider-Man: Unforgiven #1 Cover
Part 5.3: Unforgiven
Marvel's team of super-hero vampires emerges from the shadows! Raizo Kodo and the clanless vampires of the Forgiven scour the underworld for the most dangerous ghouls known to man! But when former Sorceress Supreme Salomé returns with a devastatingly devious plan, these moral monsters might run into more trouble than they bargained for–and mixed up in the middle of it all is the one and only Spider-Man! And when body parts mysteriously start washing up on the coast of Maine, the Forgiven must call in some help from the X-Men–including former vampire Jubilee! But as defeat follows defeat, they become bitter–and bloodthirsty! Can Captain America bring them back into the light?
Reading Order:
Spider-Man: Unforgiven #1
X-Men: Unforgiven #1
Captain America: Unforgiven #1
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Daredevil (2022) #8 Cover
Part 5.4: Hand Over Fist
For centuries the pseudo-religious organizations known as the Hand and the Fist have been at war with each other, the central conflict of which revolving around the Hand’s attempts to summon and spread the evil will of their god, the Beast. Now in present day that conflict has come to a head in war led by each organization’s respective leaders… Daredevil and the Punisher? How and why did these street-level heroes become the faces of two of the most powerful and mysterious organizations in the world? And will either of them survive the coming war? The answers may surprise you.
Reading Order:
Punisher (2022) #1
Punisher War Journal: Blitz #1
Punisher War Journal: Brother #1
Daredevil (2022) #1 – #4
Punisher #2 – #9
Daredevil #5 – #10
Punisher #10 – #12
Daredevil #11 – #13
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