Marvel Heroes Relaunched Reading Order
Part 1: World Without Heroes
Thunderbolts (1997) #1 Cover
Part 1.1: A Void to Fill
In the wake of the tragic and shocking Onslaught incident, a number of Earth’s greatest heroes have gone missing and are presumed dead. But what may seem a tragedy to some is an opportunity for others when new groups like the Thunderbolts arrive on the scene. And how exactly is the Hulk coping now that he’s been completely separated from Bruce Banner?
Reading Order:
Tales of the Marvel Universe #1
The Incredible Hulk #446-448
Thunderbolts #1-2
Hulk: Hercules Unleashed #1
The Incredible Hulk #449-451
Thunderbolts #3-4
Thunderbolts ‘97 Annual
Heroes for Hire #1-3
Thunderbolts #5-8
Quicksilver #1
Bug #1
Ka-Zar #-1-14
Ka-Zar ‘97 Annual
Spectacular Spider-Man #241 Cover
Part 1.2: Spider-Man - Rebirth
The Clone Saga is over (for now) and Spider-Man has a new lease on life. Peter and Mary Jane attempt to put recent tragedies behind them as they head back to college, but Spider-Man must soon deal with threats both new and old including the mysterious Black Tarantula, the ruthless Kraven, and of course, the ongoing schemes of Norman Osborn.
Reading Order:
Spectacular Spider-Man #241
The Amazing Spider-Man #419
Sensation Spider-Man #12-15
The Amazing Spider-Man #420
X-Man #24
Peter Parker: Spider-Man #77-80
The Amazing Spider-Man #421
The Amazing Spider-Man ‘97 Annual
Spectacular Spider-Man #242-245
Sensational Spider-Man #16-20
The Amazing Spider-Man #422-424
The Incredible Hulk #452-457
Spectacular Spider-Man #246-248
Peter Parker: Spider-Man #81-84
Sensational Spider-Man #21
Peter Parker: Spider-Man ‘97 Annual
Spectacular Spider-Man #249-250
The Amazing Spider-Man #425-428
Peter Parker: Spider-Man #85-87
Spectacular Spider-Man #251-253